Every time I use my search engine on my computer it explodes, so I took it to an Italian repair shop and the owner said be brief & I said “Bad-a-Bing, Bad-a-boom!

The Music Makers & Dreamers Of A Dream

We are dreamers, creators & also innovators is who we are at the core, here at Trilex Fix we seek to find the best information on repair from all over the globe with how to repair computers along with other devices to the highest degree that any repair could be. We have a need to maintain the strictest standards in repair such as taking fasteners off with the best tools & put them back into the device with the perfect level of torque that they need in order to function to and maintain its stability for many years to come long after the device has become obsolete. Along with our high standards we also want to bring you an easy & fun experience. We focus on your expectations before our comfort & convenience. In saying that we want to be very clear with you about the repair and not give the customer a large bill that the customer finds shocking. This is why we strongly urge customers to give us an extremely fine detail of the issue at hand & why they would need a fix. If possible we would love to look at the device in order to give the best diagnosis which of course is always free the only thing needed will be covering shipping if you choose not that have the repair done by us. In saying that we try to do everything in our nature to fix the device even if it isn’t possible we will point you in the right direction of where you can take the device to from our selected few repair shop owners that also happen to be friends of ours. We will never stop fixing & we hope you also try to keep fixing too!!

Mr. Trilex

Our Repair Education

In all honesty my first job involved a screwdriver.

I used to put together furniture such as coffee table, chester drawers & dresser back when I was 10 years old in the 90s. I was trying to save up for my gameboy pocket back then & yes I eventually took that apart too! I have been taking things apart & figuring out how things have worked pretty much my entire life. Also I got older I never stopped repairing things around the house & even silly fixes such as my PS2 which had a fan problem we sent it in to Sony and then they returned the PS2 fixed supposedly but, then eventually the fan failed again so what we did instead of waiting several weeks shipping it back & forth is we put a large standing fan near the back of it & it actually worked.

A better fix than Playstation did since our fan didn’t fail. Primitive but a fix never the less! Several years later I got into automotive repairs with a friend of mine after buying my first car of course. Many years of car repairs you name it. Oil changes, transmission fluid changes, valve cover gasket fixes, radiator flush, EVAP system repair, catalytic converter fixes and even reconstruction of a valve body from the transmission (probably one of the most intense repairs I have ever done!)

I then flew down to NY to study component level repair in fixing computers & cell phones with the Jessa Jones of iPad rehab. Focusing on fixing water damaged phones. Aside from being an avid subscriber of her YouTube channel. I learned so much in the course it was like being in her Youtube channel live. I love the way she teaches like one of my ex university professors in college. So I owe a lot to her and that she has a similar principle as even when everyone else wants to give up on a repair she won’t. I admire that and will most definitely bring that towards our company here. We always strive to continue to fix the device even when other repair shops will quit or outsource it. Obviously they will outsource to a guy like me so come to the source we are happy to have you my friends!!!

Morals & Integrity Above All!!

Free estimates:
We never charge an estimate fee for a rough diagnostic!

For a rough estimate of your problem, there is no fee (unless specified such as iPads). If we know in our heart the repair is extremely simple we might even go over with how you can repair it for free over the phone. If you mail in your device & we let you know the price of the repair you can choose to opt out with no cost to you the only fee will be shipping it with your carrier & shipping preference of choice of course.

Free Fixes:

If we know a device that has a common issue for example the iPhone 7 has an audio IC problem that apple fixes the device for free covered by a recall we will let you know of the recall before sending it in where the manufacturer can repair the device for free.

We cover our hedgehog tracks:

If we have tried everything & your device is ready for the graveyard or we know the repair costs more than the device itself we will let you know. We also will put everything back like as if it was never opened. We can use our ultrasonic cleaner to erase all flux and evidence we were ever there so as to avoid any other problems at the new shop if you so wish to take it to someone else. We do charge extra fees for prior technicians but only if it’s noticeable with us we work like a fox or shall I say a hedgehog like the Trilex Fix hedgehog & we cover our tracks!!


We believe in fair pricing

Lies and deception is the enemy of all repair shops all over the world. Because the customer may not understand what is going on during a repair with complex dials & tools. Many fixers charge crazy pricing for everything. We on the other hand are extremely clear on prices we have even put most repairs one can think of on our website. I hate the feeling when a customer comes in thinking the repair costs $100 to $200 leaving with a bill over $500 or $1000. We would never in our wildest dreams do that because we know that keeping your device as collateral in case you don’t pay is a poor way to do business. We want our customers to have a sense of clarity with the repair. In the future I want customers to see the progress of their repair just like you see the progress bar when ordering pizza from Domino’s. We want to help revolutionize the repair industry this is what we dream of doing with your help of course. I also want customers to be able to feel safe calling or texting us & knowing the exact person who is working on your device.

So this is how we do things here. We first take down all your information then we make a rough diagnosis & give your a range of how much the repair will cost. Once the device arrives we try to diagnose it the same day if possible. After that we give you the final price and an estimate of when the repair will be completed & proceed with the repair if you decide to of course. We then fix the device if anything changes such as new parts needed extra time we will contact you with necessary changes if needed. Then after the repair is done we will let you know within minutes of completion. Provided tracking information & ship the item safely in a padded box.

After Repair

We love a clean MacBook!!

So after everything is absolutely put back together the device is back to working. Someone from our team professionally cleans it to an extremely high standard which can be acceptable refurbished devices. We use invisible glass for our lcds & screens assemblies so they look immaculate, we never send back any screen with fingerprints and are dust free once they arrive. After every repair we use a Crest ultrasonic cleaner on all of our boards in order to make sure that there are not any future problems with the device. We do take the best of care with your device from step one all the way to once you receive it back home.